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ECP, with its funds available, supports several scientific projects of European relevance
to promote the advancement of research on cancer prevention.


The Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) project is a consortium of epidemiological studies on gastric cancer.

The project began in July 2012, based on a core of 10 studies. Several researchers have joined the project in recent years, and the consortium now includes over 30 studies from various areas around the world.

The main goal of the StoP project is to examine the role of different lifestyles and genetic determinants in the etiology of gastric cancer through aggregated analyses of individual-level data, following central collection and validation of original datasets.

The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) project involves an analysis of the molecular genomic profile in women at high risk with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

The ‘SenoIrpinia’ project has been funded by ECP through the Susan Komen-Italy association. The project’s objective is to promote oncological prevention, particularly for breast tumors, and to conduct free breast screening campaigns for women in Irpinia.”